Unleash Your Website’s Full Potential: A SpeedWoo Success Story

Posted in  Insights on November 27, 2023  

Welcome back to our series on website speed optimization insights. In our previous posts, we discussed why speed matters and how to diagnose issues. Today, we’re diving into the real-world impacts of a well-optimized website, using a success story that might sound familiar.


Case Study: The Transformation of Mahala store

Imagine you own a bustling online store. Your product range is exceptional, your branding is on point, and your customers love what you offer. But there’s a problem—your website speed. It’s like driving a sports car with a flat tire, beautiful yet underperforming.

Frustration crept in as bounce rates climbed, conversions dropped, and your carefully curated customer base dwindled. The website’s potential was shackled by slow load times, a common pain point for many online businesses.


The SpeedWoo Solution

Mahala’s store owner contacted us and we performed an in-depth audit of the website, identified bottlenecks, and executed a tailored optimization plan. This included:

  • Image Compression: Large, uncompressed images were slowing down the site. We implemented efficient image compression techniques to reduce load times.
  • Database Optimization: Improving the response of the server
  • Asset cleanup: Bloated code can bog down even the most powerful website. We cleaned up unnecessary code and assets and made sure everything was as streamlined as possible.
  • Caching: Leveraging both server-side caching and browser caching, we ensured that all visitors experienced faster load times.
  • Server-side optimizations: memory caching, optimization of PHP version and extensions, changing the web server, tweaks that made the server processing faster

The results? Net Sales increased by 87% in the first week after optimization, compared to the previous week; and increased by 31% in the first month compared to the previous month.

A website that roared to life, like a sports car with a fresh engine. Load times were reduced to a blink of an eye, and conversion rates soared.
And this was achieved for a less-impressive store in regard to UI/UX and branding. Basically, we added a powerful sports engine to a classic car. And it exceeded all the expectations.

First week


First month


The performance measurements

  • Google PageSpeed: From 54 score on mobile To 96.




  • WebPageTest: From 6s Speed Index/3.8s FCP/7.8s LCP To 1.6s Speed Index/1.59s FCP/1.59s LCP.




You Don’t Have to Lose Customers

This success story isn’t unique. Many businesses have faced similar challenges. They watched their customers slip away, sales dip, and their digital dreams crumble—all due to slow websites.

The moral of the story? You don’t have to lose customers. Slow load times are preventable, and your website has untapped potential.

#WebsiteSpeed #Optimization #SuccessStory #Transformation #CustomerEngagement

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